All fields are mandatory but do not necessarily requre a value. Mandatory values are marked in bold.
The field delimiter is ; . This requires that the delimiter character ; is not used inside the data fields.
A line has minimum two parts:
<Counterparty>;<Selection Field>
And at most three parts:
<Counterparty>;<Selection Field>;<BenificiaryAccount block>
The <Selection field> value decides if there is a third block on the line and if there is, which kind of block.
This <Selection field> has an integer value ‘0' or '2’:
- 0 - this line will not contain a Beneficiary Account.
- 2 - this field will be followed by a <BeneficiaryAccount block>
- Counterparty without Beneficiary Account
- Counterparty + BeneficiaryAccount
XC1;XC2;XC3;XC4;XC5;XC6;XC7;XC8;XC9;XC10;XC11;XC12;XC13;XC14;XC15;XC16;XC17;2;XCA1;XCA2;XCA3;XCA4 |
Referring to the examples below we can identify the following parts in the Flat File line
Counterparty | XC1 | AccountCountry |
XC2 | Alias |
XC3 | Name |
XC4 | Department |
XC5 | SubDepartment |
XC6 | StreetName |
XC7 | BuildingNumber |
XC8 | Room |
XC9 | BuildingName |
XC10 | Floor |
XC11 | PostalBox |
XC12 | PostCode |
XC13 | TownName |
XC14 | TownLocationName |
XC15 | DistrictName |
XC16 | CountrySubDivision |
XC17 | Country |
Selection field | | - ‘0' - empty block (end of line)
- '2’ - beneficiary account block
BeneficiaryAccount | XCA1 | Account_IBAN |
XCA2 | Account_Local |
XCA3 | Account_Free |
XCA4 | BankSwift |
XCA1 XCA2 XCA3 are different representation formats for the same account. If a same Counterparty has multiple (different) accounts, repeat the Counterparty line as many times as there are different accounts for this Counterparty.
Isabel 6 stores either a local either a free account, but not both. If a value is provided for XCA2, the value for XCA3 is ignored.
Example TXT File
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