
Overview searching

Note : If you activated a filter in account information, search results will be limited to the accounts present in the selected filter.

How to access?

  1. Go to the tab Account info.
  2. Click on Search in the left navigation menu.

Searching for transactions




Define your search criteria

  • Select the account(s) on which the search is needed. If no accounts are selected, the search will include all your accounts.
  • Date: limit the search based on the entry and/or value date.
    Note: The entry date is mandatory and has a limited data range of 12 months.
  • Type of account information: narrow your search to only Booked, Intra day and/or Future info. If no type is selected, the search will include all types.
  • Amount: limit the search based on an exact amount or search between two amounts.
    • You can either enter the exact amount you are looking for in the 'Equals:' fields, or you can enter a range in the 'From:' fields.
    • For decimal separation : switch between the different fields with the comma in between, this can also be done by using a 'dot' or a 'comma' on your keyboard.
    • You can specify your search with the dropdown list to either debit, credit or both.
  • Transaction: search based on the statement number, the free message in the transaction or the currency.
    • For statement number: in some cases, the statements numbers from your official bank statements differ from the ones in Isabel 6. If this is the case, please contact your bank or do not use this search criteria.
  • Counterparty: search based on the account number or counterparty name (if available). In some cases, using this search criteria will not provide the correct search results. We therefore recommend to keep the following in mind:
    • In most of the cases the IBAN is used, but sometimes the local format is used.
    • The actual name of the counterparty is not always included in this field.
    • In some cases the bank provides the counterparty information only in the free message instead of the counterparty field.
  • % as a wildcard
    The percent sign can be used as a placeholder for any combination of 0 or more characters.
    This can be helpful when banks use different formatting for the same bank account number.
    example : BE00 1234 5678 9012 and 123-4567890-12 will appear both in the search result when entering the search string 1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%0%1%2

View the search results




The search results will display the transactions, based on the criteria you have defined. The search results will be limited to the first 1000 found transactions.

  • To view the details of a transaction, simply click on the entry.
  • To modify your search criteria, click on the Back button at the bottom right.

Create a report (print) of the search results

  1. In the search results, select the transactions you want to include in the report.
  2. Choose Create report in the left navigation menu.


You are unable to find the desired transaction

Please follow these tips when you expected a certain transaction to be listed in the search results:

  1. Make sure the transaction you expect to be found is actually available in Isabel 6. Go back to account information and manually browse through your transactions to find the transaction.
  2. If the transaction is available in Isabel 6, make sure your search criteria are not too restrictive. Use the Back button (while in the search results window) to modify your entered criteria.
  3. Keep the following in mind:
    • For an amount with decimals: use the same decimal separator as used in the local formatting selected in the general Isabel 6 preferences.
    • For debit transactions: enter a minus (-) in front of the amount.
    • When using the counterparty field: In most of the cases the IBAN is used, but in some occasions the local format is used.
    • When using the counterparty field: The actual name of the counterparty is not always included in this field.
    • In some cases the bank only provides the counterparty information in the free message instead of the counterparty field.

Alert while searching "There is a limit on search results : only the first 1000 transactions are shown. Please enter more specific criteria to refine your search"

To optimize the search engine, only the first 1000 transactions will be shown. In case you are experiencing issues with this configuration, we recommend you narrow down your search by using more specific search criteria.